REPORT: Shocking New Breakthrough in the Fight Against Aging

Scientists discover "youth revitalizing atom" in a surprisingly simple place

Water is the building block of life.

Our bodies are 60% water1...and we can't survive more than three days without it.2

You probably knew those facts already. Most people do.

But what you might not be aware that scientists are now figuring out how to use water to do much more than just keep you alive…

In fact, we are now learning how to use it to give us new actually slowing down the aging process.

One of the most basic elements in existence is now being viewed as the key to longevity.

One of the world's leading anti-aging scientists, Aubrey de Grey, recently stated that the first human to live to be 150 years old has already been born…

And that the first person to live to 1,000 "is probably only about 10 years younger than the first 150-year-old."3

Sound crazy? I thought so at first, too.

The reason people like Mr. de Grey believe in such possibilities is because of the leaps and bounds technology is making every day…

And when I say "technology," I'm not talking about expensive machinery, or science fiction stuff…

I'm talking about advancements in the little things we all do, each and every day, that have the potential to significantly improve our quality of life.

I'm going to tell you about one of those amazing breakthroughs today… and...

Technology is advancing so quickly, living over a century could soon be the norm

This new technology is easy to use, and - for the first time - affordable for ordinary people.

What can this mean for you?

It means you can actually fight all the hallmarks of aging. And in doing so, the symptoms of getting older we all dread… can turn into symptoms of youth:

And, perhaps most importantly…

You protect your long term heart
and brain health

You may have heard the old adage that you're supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day to be healthy. Actually, you should be drinking a lot more than that: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends drinking 11.5 - 15.5 cups of water per day.

Those recommendations have always sounded like an awful lot of water to drink in a day. I've always said, drink if you are thirsty and you should be fine… but if you want to feel the antioxidant power of the hydrogen atom, more water may be better.


What I want to tell you about today is a way to supercharge your you get all the health benefits of drinking the recommended amount...without having to consume 15 and a half cups!

It all comes down to the one molecular structure every kid learns way back in elementary school:

By manipulating the molecular structure of water, scientists may be able to prevent the single biggest cause of aging symptoms


If you've never thought about exactly what this formula means, don't worry - you're not alone.

I'm going to break down how scientists have discovered how to manipulate this molecular structure to your extreme advantage… allowing to prevent the single biggest cause of all aging symptoms.

In fact, unless you address this one culprit… the thing that causes everything from belly fat to wrinkles, from cognitive decline to much more serious declines in the health of your heart and immune system…

Then the aging process will continue its dreaded march, unchecked - no matter how healthy you eat, or how much exercise you do.

Keep your "physical age" low as your "biological age" increases

My name is Dr. Rand McClain. For over two decades, I've dedicated myself to helping people achieve the best health of their lives.

Which is why I've enjoyed a long, successful career - both in my private practice in Santa Monica, CA, and as Chief Medical Officer for Live Cell Research.

But as I've grown older...I've developed a passion (you might actually call it an obsession) for lowering my physical age.

Dr. Rand McClain uses cutting-edge medical technology to help his patients feel healthier and stronger at any age

You see, everyone has two ages:

Your biological age is how old you are - the actual number of years you've been alive.

Your physical age is the condition your mind and body are in.

While we can't do much about our biological age...our physical age is something that is very much within our control. It's the reason some people in their 70's and 80's look like they're in their 50's...and still have the energy of a teenager!

They have a young physical age.

That's the type of human being I am striving to become...and the type I want to help you become, too. My patients even have a nickname for me…

They call me the "Model of Success"...

Because I like to lead by example and personally demonstrate to my patients that you don’t have to look or feel your biological age.

Instead, take advantage of all that modern science has to offer… and strive to live an active, healthy life at ANY age!

The world’s biggest anti-aging method used to only be available in exclusive spas… now it’s accessible to everyone

Well today, I want to tell you about a trick that's been a huge part of the success I've had recently in terms of keeping my physical age low.

It's a method the Japanese have been using for decades. They call it Shin'nooru Solution.

I became aware of it when I traveled to Japan in the early 1990's, and visited a famous spa in Osaka. It seemed kind of new-agey at the time...and because of some flaws in its delivery system - which I'll explain in a moment - I was never a big fan.


The scientists on my team are some of the best in the country. So when they came to me recently and said they had developed at new technology that not only addressed, but eliminated my concerns…

And in one fell swoop, took that "new-agey fad"... and turned it into what I now consider to be the single most essential anti-aging method you can do for yourself…

It didn't just change my blew it!

To explain how this phenomenon works, let me ask you a simple question:

Why Do We Age?

The answer may seem obvious. But bear in mind, I'm not asking about why we get older. That's your biological age.

I'm asking why we age physically: Why do we get wrinkles, and grey hair? Why do we have less and less energy? Why does our metabolism slow down, causing us to put on weight? It's even fair to ask…

Why do we die?

No one knows the answers to these questions for sure. But one of the leading theories is known as The Free Radical Theory of Aging.

The Free Radical Theory of Aging states that "organisms age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time."4 So what are free radicals, exactly?

Free Radicals are "ENERGY THIEVES"

Every time you move, eat, digest, or breathe... your body is producing free radicals...

Molecules that have broken down and now have "missing pieces."

The problem? Once they break down, they try to make themselves whole again by stealing pieces from other atoms...

Creating a type of chaos known as "oxidative stress" in the process.

The result?

Your damaged cells become weaker...

The collagen in your skin breaks down, leading to wrinkles...

Your metabolism slows, making it more difficult to lose weight...

Your energy gets drained earlier in the day... or you wake up feeling tired, even after a full night's sleep...

Your immune system becomes compromised, making you more susceptible to illness...

All leading to what we know as PHYSICAL AGING.

That's why recently, some scientists have been asking the question...

If we could stop free radical damage, could we also stop the aging process?

Experts believe we can. That's the reason antioxidants have gotten so much attention in recent years.

Antioxidants are molecules that inhibit free radical damage by giving them the "missing pieces" they were looking for… so they don't have to steal from your cells anymore.

Antioxidants are the key to fighting the damage free radicals do in your body

Imagine your neighbor's dog barking all night long, because his owner's gone, keeping you up. That's your free radical.

Now imagine your neighbor coming home, giving his dog a treat, and he immediately quiets down.

That treat is your antioxidant - neutralizing the damage being done by the free radical barking dog...and allowing you to finally get to sleep.

This is why you're always hearing about the benefits of green tea, blueberries, and even red wine - because these are foods that are loaded with antioxidants. However…

There is something even better than antioxidants...much better, in fact…

Remember I said we were going to break down the molecular structure of water? Well, the time is now.


Two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen.

You know about oxygen, of course. It's the stuff we breathe. But did you also know oxygen is what leads to those chain reactions that cause free radicals?

It makes perfect sense, when you think about it…

Oxygen leads to oxidative stress which is countered by antioxidants

So while oxygen is absolutely vital to our is also the root cause of the aging process.

Now let's take a look at hydrogen.

Hydrogen is the smallest, lightest element in the known universe. That's why it's the very first element on the periodic table.

Those properties give hydrogen atoms some pretty unique abilities. They are able to easily move through the bloodstream...pass through your cell membranes...into your cells...and pair up with the free radicals that are damaging those cells.

And because there are two hydrogen atoms in every water molecule you take in...that means they are able to neutralize two free radicals - compared to one for a normal antioxidant.

Because of its small size, hydrogen is able to get inside your cells and fight free radicals at their source

In short, hydrogen has twice the anti-aging potential of other antioxidants!

This is a huge reason why water is the healthiest, most vital substance we need to stay alive: it contains those two precious hydrogen atoms.

And the more free radical quenching hydrogen atoms you put into your body, the better. Because the more free radical damage you can limit, the more anti-aging effects you can get…including:

The days of having to drink up to 3 liters of water a day to see the benefits of hydrogen are over

And even in these studies, where the subjects are drinking hydrogen-enriched water...they're still drinking between 1-3 liters of it per day to get those great anti-aging benefits. And that's still just an awful lot of water to realistically recommend people drink daily…

Especially when - in the past - getting that hydrogen into your water has been costly and inconvenient: you either had to buy a hydrogen water ionization machine - which can run you well over $1,000…

Or, more recently, you could purchase pre-bottled hydrogen water for about $3 each…

Or hydrogen tablets to put in your water, which take a couple hours of being left alone in a sealed bottle before being ready to drink.

So while I've always appreciated the health and anti-aging benefits of drinking hydrogen water...the cost and inconvenience of it just never made it seem like a feasible option.

That's why what I'm going to share with you today is so revolutionary…

It's a way to get all the hydrogen you just 2 glasses of water per day!

My team has developed a brand new technology to create a vastly superior hydrogen tablet that does away with the problems of the existing ones on the market.

Not only that…

It delivers much more hydrogen to your cells than you could possibly get from any other method up to this point. And remember…

A superior hydrogen tablet that delivers more hydrogen to your cells than any other method

More hydrogen = Less aging

Hydrogen is measured in parts per million, or PPM. A typical ionization machine will give you just 0.1-0.5 PPM of hydrogen per cup of water.

The tablet we've formulated contains a whopping 5 PPM… which is 10 to 50 times more hydrogen than you'd get from a machine costing over $1,000!

I mentioned there are other hydrogen tablets available on the market. The current leading brand contains 2 PPM. So not only is ours 2.5 times stronger

But whereas the other low-tech tablet requires multiple hours to effectively dissolve... in a sealed bottle…

Our tablet can simply be dropped into an open glass of water… and is ready to drink in less than one minute!

That's right...all you have to do is drop the tablet into a glass of it rapidly dissolve...and in less that 60 seconds, it's ready for you to drink it down.

No preparation. No storing. No expensive machinery.

Now you can get your full daily recommendation of hydrogen from just two glasses of water.

Just pure, cell enriching hydrogen, giving your body an immediate antioxidant boost.

Each tablet contains 2.5mg of hydrogen. The daily recommendation is between 5-7mg, which means you only need two glasses of water to reach peak hydrogen consumption.

Think about that for a second…

Just two glasses of water a day to get all the hydrogen your cells need to effectively slow the cellular damage caused by free radicals that contribute to your aging process.

Two glasses of hydrogen water, compared to the recommended more than 15 cups of regular water, to get the same amount of hydrogen.

Two glasses of hydrogen water to experience more energy, healthier metabolic function (including potential weight loss), sharper mental function, better moods, younger skin…

And that's just the beginning!

Because once you actually begin lowering your physical age...there's no telling how long you can extend your biological age, too.

As I mentioned earlier, The Free Radical Theory of Aging states that we get old - and eventually die - because of the accumulation of free radical damage in our cells.

Preventing free radical damage is one of the best ways to keep every single cell in your body healthy

By limiting that damage, is it possible you could actually extend your lifespan?

There's no way to know for sure, of course...but everything you do to stay healthy...from eating right, to exercising...from reducing stress, to disease prevention…

Isn't the point of it all to not only improve the quality of your life...but to make sure that life last as long as possible?

In my professional opinion, preventing free radical damage is one of the best ways to keep every single cell in your body healthy for as long as possible…

And there is simply no better way to prevent free radical damage than by drinking hydrogen supercharged water.

That's why I'm "supercharged" myself to introduce you to our brand new, state-of-the-art hydrogen tablet technology. It's called…


UltimateH2 is a drinkable formula that utilizes the breakthrough benefits of hydrogen to help stimulate energy metabolism, prevent weight gain, and keep you mentally alert and focused.

It's the first hydrogen tablet that's ready-to-drink in less than a minute and gives you all the hydrogen you require in only two glasses of water a day!

All you need to do is drop one tablet of UltimateH2 into an 8 ounce glass of water. Wait less than a minute for the tablet to dissolve. Then, simply drink the water. And just like that, your cells will be infused with a powerful supply of free radical-fighting hydrogen unlike anything you've ever experienced. In fact...

One tablet of UltimateH2 has up to 50 times the amount of hydrogen you would get from an expensive ionization machine - previously the gold standard of hydrogen technology!

Free radicals are the dangerously unstable atoms that wreak havoc on our cells...leading to mitochondrial damage, low energy, age-related cognitive decline and weight gain, and many other symptoms associated with getting older.

By neutralizing those free radicals - as scientists and nutritionists have been recommending you do with foods containing antioxidants for years now - you can limit that damage, and dramatically slow...and potentially even reverse...these signs of aging.

What could that mean for you?

  • More of the energy you had when you were younger
  • A faster metabolism
  • More efficient calorie burning and weight loss
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Better moods
  • Younger looking skin
Order Now!

Free radical damage is unavoidable. It's experienced by everyone, at every stage of life, and is a byproduct of the natural and necessary functions your body performs every single second.

But when you think about it, this is a good thing. Because it provides you an incredible opportunity…

The more free radical damage you can limit...the more symptoms of aging you can stop!

By infusing your body with a regular, constant source of pure and potent hydrogen atoms, every single cell can use them to their advantage in halting damage done by free radicals…

Every cell in your body will experience the amazing benefits of UltimateH2

Meaning there is no part of your body that won't experience the benefits of UltimateH2!

And the younger you can keep your "physical age"...the better quality of life you'll experience...and the stronger your chances are of increasing your "biological age."

And really, isn't that what it's all about? That's why today, I drink at least two glasses of hydrogen-infused water every single day.

The great thing about this technology is, you don't have to change your lifestyle one bit. You're going to drink water anyway...and with UltimateH2, you can actually drink less of it, while getting the benefits of drinking more.

Better results with more convenience: this is the very definition of technology that makes your life easier...healthier….and ultimately, better.

But the best part is something I can't wait to tell you about..

UltimateH2 will actually save you money!

Usually, new technology means a higher cost. Sure, it eventually comes down. But at first, newer and better normally = more expensive. (I remember my first VCR cost $500!)

Fortunately, with UltimateH2, the exact opposite is true: this new technology is much cheaper than the old!

Remember, an ionization machine will cost you over a thousand bucks. A bottle of hydrogen-infused water retails for about $3 a pop.

That's why I'm so excited to tell you that with our state-of-the-art, hydrogen tablet ionization technology...a one-month supply of UltimateH2 is only $45.99.

A one-month supply is two tablets of UltimateH2 a day

Meaning each glass of UltimateH2 is only 77 cents!

Let that sink in for just a moment…

Not only is 77 cents per glass about a quarter of the cost of a $3 bottle of hydrogen water…

It's even less than the cost of a regular bottle of water...of which you would have to drink 11-15 of to get the same amount of hydrogen! can increase these savings even more by ordering one of our larger packages...or by signing up for our subscription service.

Assuming you love the anti-aging benefits of UltimateH2 - including more energy, better metabolism, and more youthful skin - and want to continue drinking hydrogen infused water long after your first order is finished…

You can enjoy the convenience of receiving monthly shipments of UltimateH2 right to your door, without having to remember to keep reordering - at a much lower cost. (Currently, our 1-bottle subscription price is only $41.95 - just 70 cents per glass!)

Plus, select packages of UltimateH2 will come with a special bonus…

A FREE bottle of our premier "longevity activator," LA-3 — an antioxidant-packed formula designed to help reduce deep fat and recharge lost energy by helping your body activate the enzyme AMPK…

Making it the perfect "effect-multiplying" partner to UltimateH2.

And, because I want you to feel totally comfortable trying out UltimateH2 for yourself…

Your Order is 100% Risk-Free

I would never promise you anything I wasn't completely confident I could deliver. Which is why if you don't agree that UltimateH2 lowers your "physical age" by making you look and feel younger, you are entitled to take advantage of our 90-day money-back guarantee.

Order Now

Drink your water infused with UltimateH2 hydrogen for a full 3 months. If you're not experiencing more energy, a sharper mind, better metabolism, and improved overall health, you are entitled to a full refund. That's my promise to you, as a respected physician with a reputation I've spent decades building.


I must tell you, the one downside of this new technology is that we are limited in how much UltimateH2 we can produce at one time.

And even though only a select few, such as yourself, were invited to take advantage of this private offer…

UltimateH2 will sell out quickly.

In fact, this first batch could realistically be gone in less than a day. So I urge you…

Now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity.

It isn't often something comes along that can not only dramatically improve your health...allowing you to look and feel younger…

But also make your daily life more convenient...and at a lower cost than what you can currently afford.

Remember, not only does UltimateH2 deliver far more hydrogen to your cells than anything else previously available… up to 50 times more, in fact…

It will also cost you less per glass than a standard bottle of regular water...and is ready to drink in less than a minute.

Experience the effects of UltimateH2 for less than the cost of a bottle of water

This is a rare opportunity to enjoy all the rejuvenating benefits of pure hydrogen, without drinking water all day, and at a fraction of the cost:

And so much more.

This is the type of scientific advancement Aubrey de Grey was referencing when he stated human beings will soon extend their lifespans to hundreds of years.

Order now and you can be on the path to slowing age-related free radical damage with the very first glass of UltimateH2 water you drink…

Don't pass up this opportunity to turn back the clock on your body!

Try UltimateH2 today, 100% risk-free…

And lower your "physical age" while extending your "biological" one.

Order Now

Remember - water is the foundation of all life. So why not make yours as powerful as science now allows?

Click the link below to begin the anti-aging process today...and enjoy your brand new, younger body!

Dr. Rand McClain
Chief Medical Officer
Live Cell Research

P.S. Don't forget to write in and tell me how UltimateH2 is changing your life. Whether it's more energy, a slimmer physique, more confidence, or simple convenience - I want to hear your story!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use UltimateH2?

Simply drop one tablet of UltimateH2 into a 12-17oz. glass of water, and let stand for about a minute. Once the tablet has dissolved completely, drink the hydrogen-infused water. For best results, try to drink as much of the water as possible within 1-2 minutes of the tablet dissolving.

How many UltimateH2 tablets should I take a day?

We have found that a minimum of 1-2 tablets per day is required, with some using 5-6. Many people find the greatest effect by consuming 4 tablets.

What's the best time of day to take UltimateH2?

UltimateH2 can be taken any time during the day, however if you engage in a workout program, you may benefit from UltimateH2 immediately following a workout. Studies have found hydrogen water to be beneficial in treating injuries and conditions related to oxidative stress, and in treating muscle tissue sports injuries.

Can taking a magnesium supplement give the same benefits as taking UltimateH2?

Magnesium supplements are in ionic form. UltimateH2 uses a special non-ionic magnesium that splits the H2 off the water. Magnesium supplements on the market are incapable of doing this. The resulting reaction leaves a highly bioavailable ionic magnesium in the water, delivering much more profound results than a magnesium oxide or other common magnesium salts.

What type of water is best to use to prepare my tablets?

While any type of water will work, with no difference between filtered, distilled, or tap, we recommend you do not use high pH water from an ionizer or other method. The reaction to create H2 relies on delicate chemistry, and using high pH water, such as '9.5' pH water from an ionizer, will reduce the amount of hydrogen created.

You can dissolve your tablet in a water that has been infused with flavor, but do not dissolve tablet in carbonated beverages.

What is the slight residue at the top of my water?

Sometimes the delicate chemistry of our tablets and the water leaves some remnants of the magnesium, especially if the water you used was extra cold. If this occurs, simply stir or shake your water (if it's in a bottle).

Who should use UltimateH2?

Because molecular hydrogen is safe, non-toxic and hydrating to your body, UltimateH2 can be safely used by anyone who cares about the optimum functionality of their body. It is especially recommended for those who:

How soon will I notice the benefits of UltimateH2?

Right away. Most people notice an increase in energy mere minutes after drinking UltimateH2. It comes in especially handy for recovery from athletic performance. (A 2012 study published in the journal Medical Gas Research10 found hydrogen water to be a viable treatment for exercise-related oxidative stress). Other benefits - such as improved metabolism and cognitive function - may take a few more days or weeks to truly notice. I recommend giving UltimateH2 at least one full month to make a true determination on whether it is working for you.

What if it's not?

If you are unsatisfied with UltimateH2 for any reason whatsoever, you are entitled to a full money-back guarantee up to 90 days from your purchase. You may be refunded for your entire order, even if you've used it all. Simply contact our customer service team, and they will start the process for you.

When will I receive my order?

Most orders ship from our warehouse within 24 hours of being placed, so you should receive your shipment within 3-5 business days.

How do I order?

We have a one-step, secure checkout that accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.





[4] Hekimi S, Lapointe J, Wen Y. Taking a "good" look at free radicals in the aging process. Trends In Cell Biology. 2011;21(10) 569-76.





