Congratulations! Here’s Your First Time Customer Special Offer

Niagen™ is a brand new supplement we at Live Cell Research are very excited about. The science behind it groundbreaking and revolutionary, but as such, we understand you may have some questions or concerns about its safety and effectiveness.

As the first and only commercially-available nicotinamide riboside (NR) supplement available on the market, Niagen™ is the only product shown to boost cellular production of the molecule NAD+, which leading geneticists believe plays a crucial role in the aging process.

As our bodies age, the declination of NAD+ in our cells is thought to be responsible for the breakdown in communication between the cell’s nucleus and mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy. As a consequence, our cells become weaker, which we have come to know as aging. Eventually, this results in contracting disease, and ultimately, death.

But if we can restore this cellular communication, scientists believe we can slow down – possibly even reverse – the aging process. Our cells would return to their youthful levels of energy production, we would look and feel younger and healthier, and conceivably be able to stave off disease and prolong our lifespans.

This is where Niagen™ comes in: by giving your body the dietary precursor it needs in NR to begin bringing your NAD+ levels back up.

We’re proud to say that users have displayed no side effects whatsoever from taking Niagen™. It is completely safe for consumption. However, as with any of our products, we recommend consulting with your doctor if you have any pre-existing medical conditions before taking Niagen™.

As a First Time Customer, we would like to invite you to take advantage of a special offer through this order page. Click the button below to save 10% off the original price of $46.99, and get your bottle of Niagen™ for only $42.29 today!

We’re extremely confident you’re going to love the results you get from taking Niagen™. Of course, as with all our products, if for any reason you are not satisfied, we encourage you to return the bottle to us to claim a full money-back refund, for anywhere up to 90 days. That’s 90 days to try Niagen™, completely risk-free. Feel free to use the entire supply up before making your decision. Again, if for any reason you’re not satisfied, send us back the empty bottle, and we’ll refund every penny of your money – no questions asked, no hassles.

WARNING: Supplies Are Extremely Limited

Niagen is formulated with unique, hard to find ingredients that simply cannot be mass produced. That’s why not everyone sees this page. If you’re viewing this new, you’ve been selected for an exclusive opportunity to try Niagen today. Be sure to secure your order now - because supplies will most certainly run out!

Availability: IN STOCK
(Leaves warehouse the next business day.)

Advanced Formula
(1 Pack)
(1 Month Supply)

Original Price: $46.99
Special Price: $42.29


Advanced Formula
(3 Pack)
(3 Months Supply)

Original Price: $140.97
Special Price: $106.30

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Common Questions About Ordering Niagen:

How does Niagen™ Work?

Niagen™ is the only naturally occurring compound that is shown to increase NAD levels. As proven in Dr. Sinclair's study, by raising NAD levels, the cells restore their function to that of a young adult. Some noticeable benefits include more energy, less fatigue, a reduction in brain fog, improved metabolism, and a more youthful appearance.

Is Niagen™ Safe?

Niagen™ is a naturally occurring compound found in very small quantities in beer and milk. In all the studies, Niagen™ showed no side effects. As a naturally occurring compound, this scientifically proven product is 100% safe.

How do I get started?

Click here to see our Niagen™ order options and be prepared to experience the results for yourself!

90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Our industry best 90 Day Money Back Guarantee states that either you’re 100% satisfied, or your money back - it really is that simple. And we’re giving you 90 days to test-drive our products and premium level of service to prove it to you! Our customer service team is here for you. If there is anything we an do, please call us at 1-844-650-5933 and we wil ensure you are taken care of immediately.

Click Here to Order Now